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Peak Performance

Doctors Dan and Lucy Chartier have crafted an approach to enhanced mental well-being that includes brainwave optimization and physical training. In-office training can include Nexalin Advanced Therapy and/or Neurofeedback, self-regulation skill development, and functional health assessment and balancing. This approach has been useful for executives, high-performance athletes (or those who strive to be), students, and persons who are advancing in years but who want to sustain physical vitality and robust cognitive ability.

Math Homework

Peak Performance – Academic

Life Quality Resources specializes in helping students become the best they can be while still enjoying their friendships and extracurricular activities.

Students’ academic success depends on an array of elements. Preparation, focus, and confidence, as well as a host of other factors play vital roles in the success in the classroom. These factors often need to be cultivated and reinforced for optimal performance.


Studies have shown that students performing at a higher academic level usually adhere to some rules of preparation (mental and physical) in order to take full advantage of their strengths while limiting their focus on their weaknesses.

At Life Quality Resources, we can assist you in realizing your potential by finding a personalized approach to this training through a variety of resources.

Typical academic peak performance training will address:

  • Physical and Mental Balance

  • Confidence

  • Focus and Attention

  • Neural Flexibility

  • Quick Thinking and Decision Making

  • Mental Preparedness

  • Managing Stress

  • Efficient Memory

  • Reduced General Anxiety and Test Anxiety

  • Positive Thought Reinforcement

  • Nutritional Health

All of these areas are vital to academic success.

Extreme feelings and emotions are triggered when stressful situations are encountered. These stressful situations are common in the classroom and can produce adverse feelings and perceptions of ourselves. Preparing ourselves to combat these strong feelings through mind/body balance training is one of the most important factors in continuing to succeed in the midst of these stressful situations. This type of balance produces confidence to succeed, and a sense of enhanced ability. This is the edge that separates the top achievers from the rest of the class.

Achieve the scholastic goals that seemed out of reach before. At Life Quality Resources we believe these skills can be developed, and we have the tools to train you (or your child) to become the best student that you can be.

Peak Performance – Athletic

Life Quality Resources will help you harness the tools and abilities that you need to reach the next level of performance in any sport.

Underlying an elite athlete’s superior performance is their physical and mental conditioning. These conditioning processes are refined and perfected through the culmination of many hours of training. Athletes often speak of “the Zone” as a place where this perfect balance is struck between the mind’s ideal and the body’s actual performance of that potential. It is not a coincidence that the best athletes find this “Zone” more often than those athletes that do not perform at that higher level. To attain this level of performance, the best athletes prepare themselves long before their actual competitive events.

Competition, especially high-level competition, is inherently stressful. Preparing yourself to combat these strong feelings through balanced training is one of the most important factors in continuing to succeed in the midst of these stressful situations. Being able to perform under pressure is what separates the superior athlete from the middle of the pack.

As one of our successful clients commented:

“At the highest level of my sport (Triathlon) all of the competitors are basically following similar physical training and dietary approaches. What separates the winner from the second and third place finishers is largely what goes on in the brain.”

At LQR we conducted a small pilot study involving 15 golfers with varying skill levels. They participated in neurofeedback (brain training) and positive performance imaging. Post-training all participants noted a significant improvement. For the 15 study participants the average stroke reduction on 18 holes was 7.6. For the best (“scratch”) pre-training golfers they averaged a four-stroke reduction, for the worst (100+) pre-training golfers they averages a 10 stroke reduction.

At Life Quality Resources, we can assist you in realizing your potential by finding a personalized approach to this training through a vast array of resources.

Typical athletic peak performance training will address:

  • Physical and Mental Balance

  • Focus and Attention

  • Mental Flexibility

  • Mental Preparedness

  • Managing Stress

  • Reaction Time/Alertness

  • Efficient Memory

  • Reduced Anxiety

  • Positive Thought Reinforcement

  • Confidence

  • Nutritional Health

All of these areas are vital to athletic success.


Focus and attention on the task at hand are gained more easily through preparing oneself mentally and physically. This preparation, coupled with other heightened characteristics like decreased reaction time and alertness help athletes manage the stressful situations that occur consistently in sporting events. No athlete succeeds without the necessary confidence in his/her ability, and this confidence is acquired and sustained by having the tools in place to overcome any barrier before stepping into the competitive arena.

Set the bar higher for yourself and achieve the goals that seemed unattainable before. At Life Quality Resources we know these skills can be developed, and we have the tools to train you to become the best athlete and person you can be. Let us help you design a mental and physical program that will prepare you to be at your best, no matter what the situation!

Marathon Runners

Peak Performance – Corporate

Move to toward the top of your career or sustain your momentum as an achiever.

Corporate Peak Performance is focused on sharpening and honing the cognitive and behavioral tools that help you succeed. At Life Quality Resources we work with you to develop a personalized plan of mental and physical preparation training using strategies that have proven effectiveness. At the center of each plan is neurocognitive skills enhancement and functional health. We support and encourage clients in the process of designing the life you want to live and then living it.


We offer training that will help you enhance your professional performance via:

  • Mental and Physical Balance

  • Motivation

  • Managing Stress

  • Decision Making

  • Mental Flexibility

  • Strategic Visioning

  • Interaction Management

What can peak performance coaching do for you and your organization? Here are some examples:

“A Fortune 500 firm engaged Metrix Global LLC to determine the business benefits and return on investment for an executive coaching program. The bottom line: coaching produced a 529% ROI (that’s $5 for every $1 spent on coaching) as well as significant intangible benefits to the business. When the financial benefits of employee retention were rolled into the mix, the ROI was nearly eight to one, or 788 %.”

Executive Briefing: Case Study on the Return on Investment of Executive Coaching. MetrixGlobal, LLC. Merrill .C. Anderson, PhD, November 2, 2001.

“Coaching enhances the impact of executives, increases their speed in becoming effective within the organization, and improves overall job satisfaction and retention. Coaching is one of the principal tools businesses have for developing their people. It is an especially useful tool at the executive level because busy executives have few other assisted means of continued development. In one study, training alone increased productivity by 22%, but when training was paired with coaching productivity increased by 88%.”

The Case for Executive Coaching by Andrew W. Talkington, Laurie, S. Voss & Pamela S. Wise. Business Magazine Chemistry Section November 2002.

“Who needs coaching? Perhaps the better question is who doesn’t? While the process has its roots in psychology, it should not be confused with therapy or counseling, since it deals with functional, not dysfunctional, people and emphasizes strengths and achievements rather than weaknesses and problems. Confidentiality is key as the coach leads the client through a three-step process. The first is a review of the executive’s career, strengths and shortcomings. Step two involves creating a comprehensive action plan. The final stage, the executive and coach test and implement the executive’s action plan. Companies such as Motorola and IBM offer coaching as a part of their executive development programs, paying as much as $750/Hr."

A Better Person Makes a Better Executive.  By Don MacRae. Business Week Online. February 25, 2002.

“Asked for a conservative estimate of the monetary payoff from the coaching they received, managers described an average return of more than $100,000, or about six times what the coaching had cost their companies.”

Fortune, “Executive Coaching – With Returns a CFO Could Love,” February, 19, 2001

Fortune magazine reported the results of a poll of executives and upper level managers who had 6 – 12 months of coaching with a Masters or Doctoral level executive coach. These executives were asked to give a “conservative estimate of the monetary payoff from the coaching they received.” These executives placed a value on the coaching that was six times the investment the company made in the coaching services.

Bottom line: the nine-month, $18,000 coaching program for each Vice President was rated, by the executive, as returning a value of $108,000, on average. Not a bad ROI at all.

A bit more information about this study:

  • 60 % of the executives in the study were ages 40 – 49

  • 50 % held positions of vice president or above

  • 33 % earned more than $200,000 per year

  • 77 % of the executives reported improved working relationships with direct reports

  • 71 % reported improved working relationships with supervisors

  • 63 % reported improved working relationships with peers.

Participants also cited a marked increase in job satisfaction and organizational commitment as a result of coaching.

Outplacement and career services firm Lee Hecht Harrison identified the top five reasons why organizations provide coaching for their employees.

  • For leadership development—70%

  • For skill development or style differences—64%

  •  To retain top talent—40%

  • As part of management succession planning—34%

  •  To ensure success after promotion or with a new hire—30%

“How Is Coaching Used in Your Organization?”- Lee Hecht Harrison

“I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual, and which invariably finds a way to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable.”

John Russell, Managing Director, Harley –Davidson Europe, Ltd.


“Across corporate American, coaching sessions at many companies have become as routine for executives as budget forecasts and quote meetings.”

Investors Business Daily


“A coach may be the guardian angel you need to rev up your career.”

Money Magazine


“The leaders of organizations such as Alcoa, American Red Cross, AT&T, Ford, Northwestern Mutual Life, 3M, UPS, American Standard, the federal governments of the United States and Canada are convinced that coaching works to develop people and increase productivity.”

Consulting to Management


“Coaching is having a dedicated mentor; it’s getting knowledgeable support and encouragement and a new way of looking at things when you need it.”

Executive Female Magazine


“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them. Clients say coaching brings out their best by helping them focus, break down tasks and clarify their values.”

Fortune Magazine

Business Meeting
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