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Life Quality Resources can help you regain the peacefulness and energy that getting consistent quality rest can bring.


With the assistance of our expert therapists, and cutting-edge technology specifically designed for insomnia treatment, Life Quality Resources can help you regain that much needed rest.

Your personalized treatment plan will draw upon the range of services that we provide.  Our approach is to design the optimal solutions for you in your unique situation.


About Insomnia

Normal sleep begins within 30 minutes of closing your eyes and making the decision to sleep, and then lasts for at least four hours before any interruption/awakening such as needing to go to the bathroom followed by a quick return to sleep. Beyond these basic
guidelines, the amount of sleep each person needs to function optimally varies from person to person. The general thought is that adults need eight hours of sleep to reach this optimal performance level, while young adults need around ten hours, and children need twelve to fifteen hours. People experiencing insomnia rarely or never get close to these numbers. Insomnia is a disorder that causes tremendous difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, and sometimes both. Insomnia disrupts a person’s life and the ability to optimally function during the day due to the fatigue produced by sleep disruption. People with insomnia rarely feel refreshed after a night’s sleep, which can lead to decreased motivation and irritability, and can often result in anxiety and depression. Women are more likely to experience insomnia, perhaps due to the hormonal shifts during the menstrual cycle and in menopause.



Persons with insomnia will usually take 30 minutes or more to fall asleep and get six hours of sleep or less for three nights a week or more.

Other common symptoms include:

  • Trouble falling asleep

  • Disturbed sleep (awakening during night)

  • Lack of restful feeling after sleep

  • Awakening too early

  • Irritability

  • Depression

  • Fatigue

  • Anxiety

  • Attention and focus issues

  • Increased errors and accidents

  • Tension headaches

  • Gastrointestinal problems



There are several contributing factors that can lead to insomnia, and these may be present in isolation or in many different combinations.

These factors include:

Stress – Whether it is an active concern about work, school, family, relationships, or health, or a past trauma or life event such as the death of a loved one, job loss, or divorce, stress is thought to be the most common cause of insomnia.


Neurochemical imbalances – Similar to the causes of anxiety and depression, neurotransmitter imbalances make it difficult for the brain to relax enough to fall asleep or remain asleep. Insomnia often accompanies other mental health disorders.


Medication – Whether prescription or over-the-counter, many medications interfere with sleep. Anti-depressants, stimulants, heart and blood pressure meds, allergy meds, corticosteroids, pain meds, and weight-loss products are some examples.


Caffeine – Common beverages such as coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks contain this stimulant with effects that are well documented. Chocolate is another source of caffeine that many people don’t consider.

Nicotine and Alcohol – Nicotine is a strong stimulant. Although alcohol is a known sedative and can help you fall asleep, it does not allow the deeper stages of sleep and often cause waking episodes throughout the night.


Irregular sleep schedule – Whether it is due to constant travel or an inconsistent work schedule, disrupting your circadian rhythm can make it difficult for your body and mind to settle and get into a restful state. Your circadian rhythms act as internal clocks, guiding such things as your sleep-wake cycle, metabolism and body temperature.


Medical conditions – Chronic pain, arthritis, gastric reflux, breathing difficulties, urinary problems, stroke, Parkinson and Alzheimer’s disease often are all accompanied with insomnia.


Aging – Insomnia is a common phenomenon among aging adults due to changes in health, neurochemical changes, sleep patterns, frequency of activity, and increased use of medications.

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