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Learning Difficulties

Feeling overwhelmed with all the information, tests, and lack of clarity about your child’s condition?  Let Life Quality Resources help you gain the perspective you and your child need to grasp the capacity for success that already exists.


In recent years, research in the field of brain development and the inner workings of the brain has provided new hope for learning difficulties through a breakthrough in the understanding of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s natural ability to make new connections and generate new brain cell in response to experiences and learning, giving the brain the ability to actually change. At Life Quality Resources, we understand this ability and work with our patients to harness their own neuroplasticity through a variety of treatments that create these new experiences for the brain.


  • A treatment plan with Life Quality Resources will focus on:

  • Attention and Focus

  • Memory

  • Neurocognitive Testing

  • Organization

  • Confidence/Self-Esteem

  • Impulse Control

  • Biofeedback/Nuerofeedback

  • Neurotransmitter Balance

  • Nutrition


About Learning Difficulties
Often referred to as learning disabilities or disorders, this condition most often appears in the classroom setting between ages 4 and 8, and can continue indefinitely if not properly treated. A child that is exhibiting the common characteristics associated with learning difficulties can often go undiagnosed due to adults assigning these behaviors as conduct issues that other typically developing children exhibit during this period of development. Some teachers (and parents) think that a child is not trying hard enough, not paying close attention, or needs to improve their motivation in order to succeed, when in fact this child is experiencing trouble receiving and processing sensory information. This difference in brain development tremendously changes how a child sees, hears, and understands the world.


Classifications of Learning Difficulties

  • Dyslexia

  • Difficulty processing language

  • Problems reading, writing, spelling, speaking

  • Dyscalculia

  • Difficulty with math

  • Problems doing math problems, understanding time, using money

  • Dysgraphia

  • Difficulty with writing

  • Problems with handwriting, spelling, organizing ideas

  • Dyspraxia (Sensory Integration Disorder)

  • Difficulty with fine motor skills

  • Problems with hand–eye coordination, balance, manual dexterity

  • Auditory Processing Disorder

  • Difficulty hearing differences between sounds

  • Problems with reading, comprehension, language

  • Visual Processing Disorder

  • Difficulty interpreting visual information

  • Problems with reading, math, maps, charts, symbols, pictures


Early Warning Signs of Learning Difficulties
A developmental delay in early childhood does not necessarily indicate that there is a learning disability that needs to be addressed, but it may be an early signal of a learning difficulty. Recognizing these delays and intervening early can make the process of correcting these difficulties much easier and more effective. Knowing typical development milestones for toddlers and preschoolers is important in being able to recognize when your child is experiencing a delay. Ask us here at Life Quality Resources for a development milestones chart for quick and easy reference, and we will also provide you with a Learning Disabilities Checklist that will help you evaluate whether further assistance is needed in diagnosing and treating your child’s learning condition. Since you know your child better than anyone else, if you think that there is a delay that needs evaluation, it can never hurt to get one, and we will be glad to help you with that or refer you to another professional in the area that can help.


Types of Learning Difficulties
If you have school-aged children, their teachers and test results may have already made you aware of what area of learning that your child is struggling with, whether it is math, reading, writing, etc. The types of learning difficulties are grouped by skill sets and cognitive weaknesses.

Math Difficulties – Children with math difficulties tend to struggle with organization and memorization of numbers, mathematic rules (addition, times tables, etc.), telling time, sequencing, and counting principles.

Reading Difficulties – Reading difficulties are separated into two forms - basic reading difficulties and reading comprehension difficulties. Basic reading difficulties are exhibited by a struggle to understand the relationship between letters, words, and sounds, while reading comprehension difficulties are characterized by the inability to understand the meaning of words, phrases, or paragraphs. Both of these types of reading difficulties do share some early warning signs like underdeveloped vocabulary skills, reading speed and fluency, and the general understanding of ideas.

Motor Difficulties – Often referred to as an output activity due to the relationship of motor skills and the output of information from the brain. Motor difficulties can be concentrated in the fine motor skills (writing, drawing, cutting) or the gross motor skills (walking, running, jumping). Early warning signs of motor difficulties include the inability to perform simple tasks that involve hand-eye coordination like buttoning a shirt, throwing a ball, or gripping a pencil.

Language Difficulties – Children with language difficulties usually have trouble with understanding or producing spoken language. Like motor skills, language is considered an output activity because of the organization of thoughts and output of that information through communication. Early warning signs of language difficulties include the inability to retell or paraphrase a story, misunderstanding directions and trouble grasping parts of speech or meaning of words.

Writing Difficulties – Similar to reading difficulties, writing difficulties are divided into two groups – basic writing difficulties and expressive writing difficulties. Basic writing difficulties are exhibited by a physical inability or deficit in forming letters or words. An expressive writing difficulty refers to a struggle to organize one’s thoughts on paper. Both of these do share early warning signs such as problems with spelling, copying, handwriting neatness, coherence and organization.


There are many factors that play a role in causing learning difficulties, and new causal factors are being found every year by researchers. The severity of the cause usually mirrors the severity of the learning difficulty.

Brain Development – Many experts in the field of child development argue that learning difficulties are largely due to the development of the brain both before and after birth. Low birth weight, lack of oxygen, and premature birth are all factors that can play a role before or during birth. Auditory processing skills, visual processing skills, and early-age head injuries are factors that affect learning abilities in the early years of life.

Heredity – Research is finding trends in families with learning disabilities from generation to generation, and this could be due to genetic influences, or possibly a modeling effect from parents to children in early development stages.

Environment – Children are often unknowingly exposed to toxins in everyday products like paint or cleaning solutions, as well as pesticides and additives in foods that can hinder brain development. Poor nutrition in early childhood has also been shown to lead to learning disabilities later in life.

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